I just want to share something amazing I found! I am a huge lover of craft products and items. I discovered Terra Cotta paint by FolkArt. It’s a water based acrylic paint with a texture. The texture is like a light cement feel, and is much thicker than regular acrylic paint. I have been repurposing so many items. I really couldn’t wait to try the paint so I grabbed a couple of salt and pepper mason jars from Dollar Tree. I didn’t even sand them or anything. I just went for it. This paint is so neat. I do want to point out you ARE supposed to sand before painting. I didn’t really have an issue with it. I will say- you do need to wait the hour until the paint is dry before you try to do a second paint. I did find that CLEAR glass items may need a second or third coat of this paint. But as tempting as it may be, you should wait between coats because it starts to pull up the first layer if you don’t.
Anyway, I also painted an old salad dressing jar. When you repurpose jars like this, you need to prep first. Make sure you get all of the label off AND the sticky. The key to getting the sticky off is using GooGone. Then make sure you clean it off using isopropyl alcohol so the oily film from the GooGone comes off. Then sand the surface and use isopropyl to clean it again. If you want to get a more rough result, use the stencil brush. If you want to use a thinner flat brush, those also work! I even used one of my ModPodge brushes. They all give different results. (Basically like the grit of sand paper- different sand paper has different grits, the same goes for the paint brushes- different types give different results.)
I did a pot from a funeral with one of the paints. OMG the color and coverage is amazing. I didn’t even need a second coat. It is SO beautiful. The color I used for this is called Ocean Cavern.
Testing: I tested the paint with both mica powder and dispersion colors. I was actually surprised that it took a lot to change the color much. And it thickened the paint up a lot. I do want to play around and test this more in the future. I just thought it was really interesting. I like to know and utilize so many things and get to know what I’m using so I can help others like I do with my tutorials.
Please be advised that Plaid Enterprises, Inc. has compensated Alisa Dunson of Alisa’s Artography by furnishing Plaid product at no charge in connection with this blog. #plaidcrafts